Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We know how shampoo is made...
It can be fun learning Science in English
we gained a lot of knowledge from this task
And from listening to the other groups' presentation

We earned something valuable which is not found in text books
This somehow hones our minds and creativity
all this enable us to strive better in the future ... GO GO GO !!!
We must learn to preserve and conserve mother nature
So that,the next generation will have the chance to enjoy the beauty of God's creation

We found out that how amazing technology can be
We must be grateful that we are born in this world
which is incredibly painted with the beautiful colours of science. Whiiee =)

We think that we should follow the footsteps of those who had created,invented and discovered the wonders of Science

By : Chocolate for life

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Last week,we did our EST presentation
We are proud to say that we did it quite well ...
We found a lot of information to help us in the net

The process of manufacturing shampoo is quite odd
yet unique to us.
The chemicals used to produce shampoo is very unfamiliar.
We are in awe that we, humans are able to invent such things which
REALLY help us in our life.

Our life have became so much easier and comfortable with the existence of shampoo!!
There are a variety brands of shampoo we can find in this world,
However, we prefer.......*drumroll*
SUNSILK!!! Woo WHiiee @
** The Sunsilk's theme Song ** are my sunshine only sunshine make me happy, when skies are grey'll never notice how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away

Besides that,we learnt how rockets move
It uses the principals of Physics
We also learnt how plastics and inks are manufactured
And how submarines & Solar powered cars work...

Well....I(Angie here...) think we did the right choice
not giving up on this subject(EST)
We definitely have learnt quite a lot
from all the projects and presentations...
We get to do things a different way,
rather than just reading textbooks and doing exercises...
By doing presentations,
we at the same time learn something useful for the future,
not just for exams...I think that really helps!!